El grupo de Autoridades Competentes para los productos sanitarios ha publicado una primera entrega de las preguntas frecuentes para el Reglamento de Diagnostico in vitro
El contenido trata los siguientes puntos:
I – Issue: Transition in general
II – Issue: Placing on the market of IVDR compliant devices until 26 May 2022 (Art. 110 para 5-7 IVDR)
III – Issue: Placing on the market of IVD devices in conformity with the Directives after 26 May 2022 (Art. 110 para 2 -3 IVDR)
IV – Issue: The so called “sell off” provision of Art. 110 para 4 IVDR
V – Issue: EUDAMED and its relevance for the application of certain provisions of the IVDR (Art.113 par.3 a y f, Art.112 IVDR)